Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Beginning (somewhere to run from)

As human beings, we like contrasts.  We get a pleasant little buzz from things that don’t belong together: a suite worn with a pair of converse hightops, a petite blond girl with supernatural strength, a macho man scared of spiders.  We’re fascinated by men in eyeliner and women in ties, vulnerability concealed by bravado, a very young face claiming to be so very old, a velvet glove cast in iron.  Hence the title of this blog; after all, dispatches come from war zones and frontlines, the heart of crisis, but behind the sofa? That’s where children and cowards hide from Daleks.  I’m not envisioning this as exclusively dedicated to these mismatches, though they are fun to find and mull over, but more of a general place for me to put down my thoughts and musings on pop culture, feminism and life in general and send them out into the void.  If that interests you, welcome aboard, and if it doesn’t, so long, but with no further ado, allons-y!

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